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Getting Started

We are going through the whole workflow of creating and launching an URI to open a note.

Create URI

Collect parameters

Let's say we want to open the file Home Index/ By looking at the navigation action the only parameter we need is a file identification. Since we want to create a new file, we use the filepath parameter.

As you can see, our file path includes a space and a slash. We have to encode special characters. By entering Home Index/today (You can omit the file extension) in an online url encoder you get Home%20Index%2Ftoday as an output. Now we have the parameter key filepath and the parameter value Home%20Index%2Ftoday.

Construct URI

As stated in the schema every URI has to start with obsidian://advanced-uri. Please refer to the schema for more detailed explanation. Our final URI is the following.


Launch URI

There are many ways to launch an URI. I'm just listing the most common


You can simply enter the URI into the search bar. It will ask you to confirm the execution.

You can launch an Obsidian URI from Obsidian itself. Because obsidian:// is a more custom protocol, it doesn't recognize it as a link directly. To fix this, wrap it in a markdown link.

[This here is shown](obsidian://advanced-uri?filepath=Home%20Index%2Ftoday)



For xdg-open the whole URI has to be encoded twice. See encoding for more details.

xdg-open "obsidian://advanced-uri?filepath=Home%2520Index%252Ftoday"


You can use Mac shell command open to launch Obsidian, and with --background let Obsidian run in background.

open --background "obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=my-vault&filename=my-file&data=my-data"

Windows PowerShell

You can use the PowerShell command Start-Process to launch an Obsidian URI.

Start-Process "obsidian://advanced-uri?&filepath=test"