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Hook manages links to various third party applications. Since version 3.4.3 they support Advanced URI to get file:// links, robust obsidian:// links and create new files via URI.

See their documentation for a detailed explanation.

Get file:// and obsidian:// URIs

That as today, the only action not starting with advanced-uri. Instead it uses hook-get-advanced-uri.

It requires the x-success parameter and optionally the x-error parameter. It appends an obsidian://advanced-uri URI via the parameter advanceduri and an file:// URI via the fileuri parameter to the x-success uri and launches that URI.


The benefit of this plugin over the default Obsidian URI is the feature of using robust links via frontmatter keys. By enabling Use UID instead of file paths in the plugin's settings, it creates those IDs automatically for obsidian://advanced-uri URIs.